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I shared this blog across social media and tracked the people that viewed it 👀

Increase your presence and gain insights on prospects using Odoo


This blog that I have written needs to be shared on multiple social media platforms so that I can get more viewers and grow my social presence.  However, it is time consuming to login individually to each social media app to make a post.  I also do not know how many people are actually clicking on my posts and I want to know if they are making an impact.

man in black crew neck t-shirt smiling


Fortunately, it is super easy to manage multiple feeds using the Odoo Social Marketing application.  I simply authenticate using my social media credentials and can then see all my active feeds.

Posting this blog

I then begin creating a post for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X simultaneously.

Tracking Traffic

I make sure that the link that goes to my blog is a tracked url generated with Odoo.  That way I know exactly how many people click on the link and can track their country, state, and city based on their IP address to better understand who is looking at the blog.

Scheduled for Later

Finally, I schedule the blog to post around 8 AM EST because I know this is a more frequent time for people to check LinkedIn 

Additional Metrics

Soon enough, I will be able to monitor how many people click on the social media post, how many leads, quotations, and revenue is actually generated directly from this post.


Using Odoo, I am able to consolidate my social media accounts to a centralized management console where I can post to multiple feeds from a single location.  I am also able to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of my posts so that I have a better idea of what works and what doesn't.  After all, if it led you here, then it truly is amazing!

people jumping on shore front of golden hour

I shared this blog across social media and tracked the people that viewed it 👀
BizyLife, Jacob Neubaum August 3, 2023
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